Friday, December 12, 2008

Quick update...

Not sure where the time has gone but as you know I haven't been too good at updating my blog. I guess I've been busy with work, Christmas shopping and working on the new house. The dry-wall was delivered yesterday and today the 1st floor and bonus room are almost complete!! It's amazing how quickly they worked today. We are hoping for the same progress tomorrow. The kids are doing well and staying healthy...knock on wood. Landen is loving this time of year. Presley is still a bit young to know what is going on but she sure loves our Christmas tree! My shopping is almost complete...just a few last minute things to pick up. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Windows are in!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good news!!

Presley went a whole week without her passy!! And she is no longer using a bottle in the morning and at night...all sippy cups. We are so proud of her. :-)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Presley is growing up fast...

Presley is walking...she actually started taking steps a few days after her birthday. Tonight she took about 10-12 steps before sitting down. We decided to take away her pacifier last night too. She made it through the night and today at school and tonight again. Go girl!!

We had a great time trick-or-treating. I wasn't sure Landen was going to make it out or not because he wasn't feeling well...but the Motrin kicked in and he was running from house to house. Presley just observed from the wagon.

The shingles are being put on and they have almost the front complete. We couldn't tell if they started the back or not because it was dark when we got home tonight...darn time change!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

No we are not trying to burn it down...

As you can see the house is coming along nicely. You might be able to notice little fires around the we are not trying to burn it down. The workers came over on Tuesday and they were cleaning up the sight by burning the woods scraps. Yesterday we were busy with appointments...we met with the electrician, the electronics guy, the trim guy and the cabinetry guy. All meetings went very well and we are moving forward. Bryce is shopping on the internet, as I type this, looking for appliances. The shingles should be added this week. Stay tuned...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's been a while....

Not sure where the time has gone but I just realized I hadn't posted anything on my blog in a really long time...sorry to those who still read it. Anyway...we went to Florida last week with the Rusk's and had a great time. The weather was great and the kids had alot of fun. I'll post a couple of pictures soon from our trip. The house is going up fast...I took a couple of pictures today and posted them. We went Builder's Supply this morning and picked out a few things. Talk about amazing how many decisions you have to make when you build a new house!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bryce playing on the skid-steer

We had a somewhat relaxing weekend. Friday we had Euchre night at the Miller' was alot of fun! Dave and Tuula kept the kids overnight at their house. They love spending time with their grandma and grandpa! Yesterday we went to a picnic and today we did LOTS of laundry! Bryce also had fun on the skid-steer today. The kids enjoyed watching him too!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Construction has begun...

The house construction started this week....about 1 week ahead of schedule. The basement was dug on Wednesday...footers poured on Thursday...basement poured on Friday and the forms were removed yesterday. They are moving FAST! Landen is having a great time playing in the dirt. He knows it's our new house but I'm not really sure he understands what is going on. Presley is doing fine today....she had a rough couple of days when she had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic she was on. No more amoxicillin for her!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our little princess...

Our little princess gave us quite a scare last week when she had a seizure at day-care. We rushed her to the ER and initial tests did not show anything. Her MRI and EEG is scheduled at Kosair Children's Hospital the end of September. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers please.

Bryce went to the doctor last week...he has tennis elbow...and I have bronchitis this week. When it rains it pours!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to work to get some rest...

Bryce and I attempted to take our kids out to dinner on Friday and Sunday...what were we thinking? They were out of control both times. Last night we went to Pizza King with the Miller family. Landen would not sit still and would not eat the pizza. He was terrible...I had to take him for a walk just so the others could eat. When we came back to the table and the waitress gave us our check...Landen said "I want pizza!" Needless to say he didn't get dinner last night...only milk. They were a handful all back to work I get some rest!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Starting to settle down...

I know it's been a while since I last added a post. Time got away from me I guess. We are starting to settle down in our interm house. Our neighbors are really friendly and it is so peaceful in this area. Landen and Presley love to go for walks around our subdivision. I added a picture of Landen taking Presley for a walk. I snapped that picture right before the wagon got away from him! It was a scary sight.

Presley is fighting a cold this week. I hope she is able to fight it off before it gets any worse. Landen moved to the next age group at day-care. He is now in the tweenies which is 2 1/2 to 3 year olds. He seems to be liking it so far...all new toys and books to read!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We moved!!

We survived the move. We had one closing yesterday and two today to complete the deal. I'm so glad this step of the process in now over. We will now start focusing on building our new house. I'm looking forward to it. I'll try to write more in a few days but I'm exhausted tonight so I'm going to bed! More to come...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The clock is ticking down

We now have less than a week before the big move. I'm SO ready! We have packed almost all of our small things. The movers will be here Friday morning to take the big stuff. I think it really started to hit me this weekend that we won't be living in our current house much longer. I'm not sad about it...I'm just trying to get used to the idea of having a new routine. A new floorplan, a new route to daycare, a new route to work, etc. We won't start on our new house until after the dust settles with all of our closings (we have two house closings and multiple lot closings in the next few weeks.) Our builder is also trying to move into his new house next weekend, plus his daughter is getting married. I hope everyone had a good weekend...keep us in your thoughts this week. Pray for sunshine on Friday!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Less than two weeks...

We move in less than two weeks...I can't believe it. I think it finally hit me tonight when I was thinking about it...we will be in a new house next week. Wow! I think we are in good shape packing. We've known for a while so it has given us plenty of time to pack a little at a time and stay organized.

This past Saturday, the Miller's hosted a party for our euchre club and all of our children. We had a great time. Thanks so much for hosting Jenny and Travis! I'm already looking forward to our party next year!

Presley had her 9 month check-up today. She weighed 21 lbs and 13 oz and was 28 inches long! She is growing up so quickly.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Who needs a pool....

Who needs a pool when you can go swimming in the fish pond at Grandma's house? On Saturday night we went to Bryce's dad's house and had dinner. His dad told Landen to put his feet in the water...and it was all over from there. His diaper was green from all the algae...and he could have cared less! On Sunday, we had a family picnic for Bryce's mom's side. It was at a nearby park. We played a game of baseball and I am still sore from running around the bases. The picture of Presley was taken at the picnic.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Trip to NY

Last weekend we took a trip to NY to see my family. We had a great time seeing everyone there. The kids were pretty good in the car on the way there and back...thank heavens for DVD players!! We really lucked out with the weather...most days were sunny and high 70's. We had a BBQ on Sunday and all of the family came. The kids had a good time playing with their cousins. Thanks Mom and Dad for a wonderful weekend!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Presley is crawling...

And she looks like a little frog. Her two arms extend and then her back legs hop to catch up. I think Landen taught her how to do the frog crawl! She is pulling up on anything and everything.

We had a great weekend. The weather was really nice...not too hot. We spent some time packing and our garage is filling up fast. We have less than five weeks until we have to be out of this house. We still don't know for sure where we will be living but were trying finalize those plans soon! Hope everyone is doing well.

Friday, June 20, 2008

We sold the house!

We finally sold the house. It had been on the market for 15 days this time and a couple relocating from South Carolina bought it. We are scheduled to close on August 4th so we are busy packing. It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate in six years with kids! A little over-whelming to say the least. We plan on building a house in our subdivision development. Bryce is finalizing the house plans and we won't start building until we close on this house. That also means that we will be living somewhere while our new house is being built. We are still looking for that in-between place!
The kids are doing well. Presley now has eight teeth. She can sit up by herself after she's been on her tummy or back. Landen moved to a big boy bed this week. He's doing really well. This will be the 5th night in a row! We're so proud of him.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Relaxing weekend

This weekend was low key...I needed it after the week that I had. Those short weeks always are the worst. Five days worth of work packed into three. On Friday night, I went to see "Sex and the City" with a group of girls. The movie was hilarious...I would recommend going to see it if you watched the show.

On Saturday, we got a call from Tonja that someone wanted to see the house. So Bryce and I cleaned like crazy for 1.5 hours. We didn't hear anything so I guess they found something better. We have another showing tomorrow and we'll see.

Dave and Tuula picked strawberries today and they dropped some by. We had them after dinner and they were soooooo good!! There is nothing like fresh strawberries with angel food cake.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Long weekend...short week!

Last weekend was a long weekend and we were BUSY!! We put mulch down around the entire house and got organized so the house would be ready to go back on the market. YES, our house is up for sale again. So if you know of anyone who is looking for a house in the Sellersburg area...send them our way! I guess the one good thing about having your house on the market...your house stays a little more clean than usual.
We had a cookout on Sunday at Paige's house. The pictures were taken in her backyard. Monday we went to Matthew's (Bryce's half-brother) graduation party. I can't believe he will be going to college in the fall. Congrats Matthew!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Playing at G&G Fuller's house

I had to share this picture of Landen that was taken on Sunday. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Fuller's house and Landen loves to play in their landscaping. It's a good thing that they don't care if things get stepped on! I hope everyone is having a good week.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

New bed for Landen

We found a bed today that will match the quilt that I had already purchased many months ago. So we now have Landen's new bed set up in his room...we'll probably move him to it in a few months. I hope my family in NY will appreciate the Yankees theme!

Today we got a lot of work done around the house...pulling weeds, mowing, planting and digging. Here is a picture of Landen taking a break between jobs.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's been a while...

Wow! I guess we've been busy. I can't believe it's taken me so long to post an update. At the end of April, Bryce and I traveled to Cleveland for Kevin (my cousin) and Patty's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time. It was good to see alot of my family and friends from NY at the wedding. I wish Kevin and Patty a lifetime of happiness!

This past weekend was Derby weekend. Although we didn't go to the track to see the races we had a good time spending it with friends. It's hard to believe Derby is over now and we have to wait another year to watch the greatest two minutes in sports!

An update on the kids...Presley is now sitting up on her own! Also, she loves to roll. She can move from one side of a room to the other very quickly. Landen is doing good. He cute phrases are...
"my hold you" = Please hold me.
"where mommy are?" = Where is mommy?
"want butter much" = I want a peanut butter sandwich.
"see-sa" = Pizza.
"mo-mo" = I want more.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Trip to Gatlinburg

Last weekend we went with the Miller Family to Gatlinburg. It was our first trip with the kids. Although it was a completely different experience...we still had a great time. The kids really enjoyed it. Jenny and I did plenty of shopping and the guys played cards and sipped on a few cocktails! We took the kids on walks and went to the Aquarium.
This past weekend we didn't do too much. We cleaned out a few closets and then we did some shopping to fill them back up. It's a never ending cycle! Presley is now very mobile. She rolls back and forth across the living room floor. I had a dream last night that she started walking (thank gosh I think we still have a way to go before that's reality!)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Presley and her diamonds!

This past weekend I took Presley to get her ears pierced. She looks so pretty with her little diamonds earrings! I couldn't believe how good she was...she only cried for a few seconds. We went to the zoo on Sunday to see the daffodils. The weather was so nice here both Saturday and Sunday. The weekends are never long enough.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bathing Beauty

I bought Presley a swimming suit last weekend and I had to come right home and try it on her. Doesn't she look like a beauty queen in her swimming suit? There was a matching hat too but I had to exchange it for a smaller size. So we are all set for the summer I just wish it would get here soon!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I can't wait for the weekend!

Bryce had to work late on Tuesday night and then he left to go out of town on Wednesday. He won't get back until tomorrow night. Landen has been a challenge this week...he bit me yesterday and today! I really thought he was over the biting thing but I guess not. Today I decided to bite him back....and he didn't like that too well. This morning I was on my way out of the house and I fell off the stairs in the garage. I was carrying Presley at the time. Thank gosh she was strapped in her car seat. She didn't even cry....she just looked at me with her big blue eyes. She was okay. I on the other hand hurt my ankle, knee and hip. Nothing serious, just bruises. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

Here are a few pictures from Easter Sunday.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I don't like spoons anymore!

Landen gave up on using his spoon today when he was eating pudding. I guess that's why Grandma Paige calls him Puddin'! The other picture was taken tonight. Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Eggs

Tonight while Bryce was at Kyle's watching basketball we colored Easter eggs. Landen was pretty excited...he loved all the colors. The one he has in his hand was his favorite. Presley sat in her bumbo seat and watched us. I'm looking forward to the three day weekend we have starting tomorrow!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Egg hunt at the Zoo

I can't believe it is already Sunday night...where did the weekend go to? Today I took the kids to an Easter Egg Hunt at the zoo. It was a Brown-Forman event for employees and their families. Bryce had to work today so Tuula went with me. Landen had alot of fun looking for the eggs. He calls Easter eggs....E-A's! It's pretty cute. Presley was just taking it all in. On our way home Landen was looking through the eggs and he found a sucker. I told him to wait until we got home to eat it. So when we got home I gave it too him and he enjoyed it for about 10 minutes while I was doing dishes. I looked over at one point and I didn't see the sucker anymore. So I went over to see where it was. I found it stuck to the back on his sweater!! I have no idea how it got there...but it did. Needless to say, I guess he is not ready for suckers quite yet!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Presley rolled over!

It was Sunday...I was on the way out the door to go shopping and Bryce yelled my name. I came running back in and he said "Look, Presley is rolling over!" I quickly grabbed the camera and took this picture. Isn't it cute?? (Notice that she still has a grip on her pacifier!) She also had her first real belly laugh this made smile from ear to ear! I also had to post this picture of Landen and Presley.