Sunday, July 27, 2008

The clock is ticking down

We now have less than a week before the big move. I'm SO ready! We have packed almost all of our small things. The movers will be here Friday morning to take the big stuff. I think it really started to hit me this weekend that we won't be living in our current house much longer. I'm not sad about it...I'm just trying to get used to the idea of having a new routine. A new floorplan, a new route to daycare, a new route to work, etc. We won't start on our new house until after the dust settles with all of our closings (we have two house closings and multiple lot closings in the next few weeks.) Our builder is also trying to move into his new house next weekend, plus his daughter is getting married. I hope everyone had a good weekend...keep us in your thoughts this week. Pray for sunshine on Friday!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Less than two weeks...

We move in less than two weeks...I can't believe it. I think it finally hit me tonight when I was thinking about it...we will be in a new house next week. Wow! I think we are in good shape packing. We've known for a while so it has given us plenty of time to pack a little at a time and stay organized.

This past Saturday, the Miller's hosted a party for our euchre club and all of our children. We had a great time. Thanks so much for hosting Jenny and Travis! I'm already looking forward to our party next year!

Presley had her 9 month check-up today. She weighed 21 lbs and 13 oz and was 28 inches long! She is growing up so quickly.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Who needs a pool....

Who needs a pool when you can go swimming in the fish pond at Grandma's house? On Saturday night we went to Bryce's dad's house and had dinner. His dad told Landen to put his feet in the water...and it was all over from there. His diaper was green from all the algae...and he could have cared less! On Sunday, we had a family picnic for Bryce's mom's side. It was at a nearby park. We played a game of baseball and I am still sore from running around the bases. The picture of Presley was taken at the picnic.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Trip to NY

Last weekend we took a trip to NY to see my family. We had a great time seeing everyone there. The kids were pretty good in the car on the way there and back...thank heavens for DVD players!! We really lucked out with the weather...most days were sunny and high 70's. We had a BBQ on Sunday and all of the family came. The kids had a good time playing with their cousins. Thanks Mom and Dad for a wonderful weekend!!