Sunday, July 27, 2008

The clock is ticking down

We now have less than a week before the big move. I'm SO ready! We have packed almost all of our small things. The movers will be here Friday morning to take the big stuff. I think it really started to hit me this weekend that we won't be living in our current house much longer. I'm not sad about it...I'm just trying to get used to the idea of having a new routine. A new floorplan, a new route to daycare, a new route to work, etc. We won't start on our new house until after the dust settles with all of our closings (we have two house closings and multiple lot closings in the next few weeks.) Our builder is also trying to move into his new house next weekend, plus his daughter is getting married. I hope everyone had a good weekend...keep us in your thoughts this week. Pray for sunshine on Friday!

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