Sunday, June 29, 2008

Presley is crawling...

And she looks like a little frog. Her two arms extend and then her back legs hop to catch up. I think Landen taught her how to do the frog crawl! She is pulling up on anything and everything.

We had a great weekend. The weather was really nice...not too hot. We spent some time packing and our garage is filling up fast. We have less than five weeks until we have to be out of this house. We still don't know for sure where we will be living but were trying finalize those plans soon! Hope everyone is doing well.

Friday, June 20, 2008

We sold the house!

We finally sold the house. It had been on the market for 15 days this time and a couple relocating from South Carolina bought it. We are scheduled to close on August 4th so we are busy packing. It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate in six years with kids! A little over-whelming to say the least. We plan on building a house in our subdivision development. Bryce is finalizing the house plans and we won't start building until we close on this house. That also means that we will be living somewhere while our new house is being built. We are still looking for that in-between place!
The kids are doing well. Presley now has eight teeth. She can sit up by herself after she's been on her tummy or back. Landen moved to a big boy bed this week. He's doing really well. This will be the 5th night in a row! We're so proud of him.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Relaxing weekend

This weekend was low key...I needed it after the week that I had. Those short weeks always are the worst. Five days worth of work packed into three. On Friday night, I went to see "Sex and the City" with a group of girls. The movie was hilarious...I would recommend going to see it if you watched the show.

On Saturday, we got a call from Tonja that someone wanted to see the house. So Bryce and I cleaned like crazy for 1.5 hours. We didn't hear anything so I guess they found something better. We have another showing tomorrow and we'll see.

Dave and Tuula picked strawberries today and they dropped some by. We had them after dinner and they were soooooo good!! There is nothing like fresh strawberries with angel food cake.