Monday, November 3, 2008

Presley is growing up fast...

Presley is walking...she actually started taking steps a few days after her birthday. Tonight she took about 10-12 steps before sitting down. We decided to take away her pacifier last night too. She made it through the night and today at school and tonight again. Go girl!!

We had a great time trick-or-treating. I wasn't sure Landen was going to make it out or not because he wasn't feeling well...but the Motrin kicked in and he was running from house to house. Presley just observed from the wagon.

The shingles are being put on and they have almost the front complete. We couldn't tell if they started the back or not because it was dark when we got home tonight...darn time change!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Congratulations on no more paci! Can't wait to see how fast things get done on the house. thanks for joining us for dinner last night we had a great time!