Friday, January 4, 2008

Still sick

Landen is still not feeling well. Today is the 4th day in a row with a temperature. The doctor said on Wednesday he thought it was an ear infection so we are treating him with antibiotics. Bryce came home last night from traveling and we went up together to check on him. As soon as I opened the door I could smell it. He got sick his bed. I felt so bad for him. Today Bryce stayed home with him. I hope and pray he gets better soon!

On a positive note...Presley is doing good at daycare. This is her third day and she seems to be adjusting well. I'm not doing too bad either at work. It will be good to get back into a routine again.

1 comment:

Family times said...

I sure hope Landen is feeling better. Poor guy!!! Didn't exactly make going back to work easy! Oh, the joy of kids!!! Hang in there girl!!!